Make a Campsite Booking

For members of Girlguiding, the Scout Association plus DofE and other Youth Organisations

Before booking, we recommend you check availability across all bookings here.  Pre-booking info and pricing etc can be found here

To book select your day / dates here by clicking on your arrival date, then your departure date. 

  • To book the campsite, campfire or grounds visit the session booking page
  • If you require building access as part of your campsite booking please refer to our standard pricing document, as there are minimum booking requirements (This option is not available to DofE and Youth Groups)

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Part Booked
Dates:... (... - night(s))

Booking type

For camp bookings the Leader-in-Charge must have the relevant residential qualification or be running the event as part of their assessment

(check all that apply)


Your Information


Your Booking Details


The total number of campers cannot exceed 60

Please add details below and we will contact you to discuss

Additional information / comments



Total booking cost : £0.00
Your Deposit / Upfront payment is: £0.00

For security, please enter Captcha Code before submitting your request:

To show CAPTCHA, please deactivate cache plugin or exclude this page from caching or disable CAPTCHA at WP Booking Calendar - Settings General page in Form Options section.

If you do not see a submission confirmation message please check that all required fields have been completed and try again

Thank-you for your booking

If you have specific booking questions please contact the bookings secretary

How to Pay

  1. BACS: Our preferred payment method is by direct transfer to our bank account - The details will be on your booking email.
  2. Cheque: We also accept payment by cheque, posted to The Treasurer, Faurefold, Lince Lane, Westcott, RH4 3LX.
    • Please include your booking id and unit name on the bank transfer or the back of your cheque for reference
    • Cheques should be made payable to:  Surrey East Faurefold

Please email for any payment questions.

Risk Log

Download Risk Logs Here


Info for Bookings

The Do’s and Don’ts

Have a good holiday!

Local Information

Useful Contacts for your stay

Be prepared!