Faurefold Campsite

All you need to know before booking the campsite

General Information for visitors to the campsite

  • The maximum number for camping is 60 people, including leaders.
  • If you are planning a large-scale event on the site (100+) please contact us in advance to discuss.


  • As well as the main campsite levels there is a clearing area behind the stripy shed suitable for individual patrols, leaders camp area, central catering, activity tent or whatever works for your camp!
  • An open marquee is available, at the top of the bank, for use by campers and for outdoor sessions in the summer months.
  • There are two toilet blocks at the rear of the building, which are made available to campsite users as well as session users.
  • Water – There is a tap adjacent to the campsite near the brown shed plus an additonal tap at the top of the drive.
  • There is a campers sink with hot & cold running water located behind the building.
  • Campers have access to a good sized fridge and electrical sockets in the storeroom, accessible from the side of the house.
  • Camping equipment is available to borrow – please contact us for details.
  • An altar fire base and equipment is located at the top of the campground, and there are two picnic benches.
  • There is a tall flagpole for use, that marks the end of the campsite.
  • We have a small car park, suitable for drop off and pick-up, but no access for coaches (see gallery photo) and disabled parking adjacent to the house.

Take a virtual tour of the Campsite by visiting the Gallery ⇒


Camping: £5.00 per person per night*
Day Use: £25 per session

* There is a minimum charge of £25 per night for the campsite


  • Day Visitors £1.50 per head
  • There is no additional charge for early arrival

The Campsite can be booked with the use of the house subject to availability and under the following conditions and charges:

  • a minimum charge of £75.00 (15 people at £5 per head per night) applies for the campsite; plus:
  • The house is charged at £150 per night for a maximum of 6 people - i.e. additional occupants will pay £5 per head per night, as if camping
  • You will need to book both the house and the campsite for this option. Please make a note in the comments field.

There may be additional charge if additional cleaning or provision is required after your stay.

Arrival and Departure Times *

Arrivals from 16:00, Departures by 15:00 (for back-back bookings)

* We are generally able to be very flexible regarding arrival and departure times for campers (please discuss your specific time requirements with the bookings secretary). 


  • Morning 08:00 – 12:30
  • Afternoon 13:00 – 17:30
  • Evening 18:00 – 21.30

You may book more than one session of the campsite on a given day and it will be treated as a continuous session

We do not accept campsite bookings for less than a full day on weekends and holidays

Deposit / Upfront Payment:

  • To secure your booking of the campsite a deposit of £25 or the full cost of your booking (whichever is the less) is required
  • Bookings and will be approved subject to availability and payment of the deposit. Full Booking Terms and Conditions can be found here: Faurefold Bookings Policy

For booking questions please contact the bookings secretary bookings@faurefold.co.uk

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