Musi-gals 2013

A full account of the Surrey East fundraiser for Faurefold, Musi-gals, is on the website news page, together with a link to those pictures we have received so far. Robin


Dear All and everyone else who was involved. WELL  DONE,  WELL DONE,  WELL DONE!!!!!!    Musigals was great and I really enjoyed it.  Thank you for all the immense hard work.  Please pass on to anyone...


What a day, two amazing gang shows displaying how amazingly talented our girls can be.  Such a pleasure watching and congratulations to the team who put the show on. Margaret

Fungi at Faurefold

Fungi at Faurefold

More excitement at Faurefold !Fungi ...  over 70 recorded so far from two visits with Dick Alder of the West Weald Fungus Recording Group.We are amazed that there are so many which include 11 of special interest . Photos show Fly Agaric - red with white...

September Newsletter

After a lot of to-ing and fro-ing, the lease with Girlguiding London South West is now in place.  This gives Girlguiding Surrey East the security of knowing that we can re-build Faurefold and stay for as long as we keep paying the rent.  Girlguiding London...

Faurefold Calendar 2014

The Faurefold Calendar for 2014 is now available direct from Faurefold Fundraising, Nightless Copse, Rusper Road, Capel, RH5 5HE at just £5.00 including postage. Just send your request together with your details and your unit name, together with a cheque payable to...

Wildflower Garden

Wildflower Garden

To make the sides of the track into Faurefold  interesting in the spring , last autumn (2012) we planted 100s of daffodils which looked lovely Spring 2013; I also made some rustic willow hurdles to stop people driving off the track. Then, in about April, we...

Woodland Exploring Path

Something new I'd not heard about is the woodland exploring path that goes from the corner of the car park through the 'bush' all the way parallel to the A25 fence to the other end of the site; it winds in and out of the trees and bushes, a great place to...

New mattresses

Thanks to a grant from Gatwick Community Trust we have bought new mattresses for the bunk beds at Faurefold. The new mattresses are blue with white stripes and fully waterproof - so no plastic covers any more.  So more comfortable beds now.And thank you to all...

Faurefold Open Day

You're invited to come and see the progress made at Faurefold, and to join us for a cup of tea or coffee and some cake. Saturday 6 April 2013, any time between 10:00 and 16:00.